Hope is a 2022 graduate of Lake Forest High School and will be attending the Delaware Technical & Community College in the Fall. Her strong problem solving skills as well as her exceptional creativity will serve her well as she pursues a career in Interior Design.
Along with her involvement in sports teams and scholastic clubs, Hope find time to also volunteer in the community. As a visiting volunteer in Charleston, WV she was Youth Director at St. Paul AME Church. In addition she volunteered for more than 100 hours with Code Purple of Kent County assisting homeless women.
Hope Boyd’s accomplishments included placing in the Mispillion Art League Showcase of Young Artists. She also won the Eastern Regional Competition, sponsored by the Chapter of Links of Dover, DE, by composing an original song bringing attention to mental health.
This is the first year of a 4 year $4,000 scholarship that Hope will be eligible for as she continues her education.
Pam Ferguson, DE NAHRO Immediate Past President, presented the scholarship check to Hope Boyd on August 31, 2022. Hope was wished much success in furthering her education.