DE NAHRO Scholarship Assistance Program
DENAHRO Scholarship Assistance Program Application
The purpose of the DE NAHRO Scholarship Assistance Program (scholarship) is to help a graduating high school student to continue their education. The scholarship is an award of $1,000 to a Delaware high school graduating senior who lives in affordable housing defined as Project Based Section 8, Rural Development Section 515, Housing Choice Voucher, Public Housing, Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) site, Habitat for Humanity Home, Self Help Homeownership Program or USDA Rural Development Homeownership Program. Recipients of the Scholarship are eligible to apply each year (up to 3 more years) for an additional $1,000 as long as they stay in college, meet grade point average requirements and complete an application. Implementation: DENAHRO’s Board of Directors will create a sub-committee with the sole task of administering the scholarship program. The committee will work under the guidance of the Housing & Community Development committee and the Board as a whole. The sub-committee will be most active in the creation of the program, establishing eligibility requirements, and an application but will remain active as the primary coordinator of application reviews. The sub-committee will annually review the following tasks:
- Explore different account options to invest and distribute the set aside of funds
- Establish eligibility criteria
- Establish application criteria
- Develop essay question
- Create application form
- Establish application timeline
- Explore funding sources
- Marketing; i.e. have application online, send to Complex Managers, etc.
Recommendations for the sub-committee to consider: Eligibility/Qualifications:
- Proof of affordable housing residency at time of application
- 2.5 Minimum Cumulative GPA
- 2 letters of recommendation: one from person in authority from the high school and one from a community leader.
- Senior at a high school located within the state of Delaware
- Estimate of education costs at University, College or Trade School
- Write an essay (500-word answer – typed using 12 pt font and double spaced)
- Example: “Who or what has inspired you to further your education. Explain your future goals and aspirations.”
Application/Review Timeline:
- Notice to schools (guidance depts.), PHA’s, and Rural Development Agency by March 31.
- Applications due to DENAHRO by June 1.
- Review applications by July 25.
- Notify winner by July 31.